
Roof Sagging And What To do About It

Did you notice that your roof is falling? You should have your roof checked as soon as possible. If your roof is sagging, it could cause serious structural damage and even underlayment problems. This could lead to disaster for your home. KCG Roofing is committed to giving you the most accurate and reliable information regarding all aspects of roofing. Continue reading to find out why your roof might be sagging, and what you can do about it.

Old Roof

Things tend to sag as they age. A roof that is past its prime will also sag. Most roof sagging can be attributed to old age. Most shingle roofs will last between 20-30 years unless you have a metal roof that is nearly indestructible. Your roofing material may be past its 20-30 year mark. If this is the case, it may be time to replace the shingles with a newer model. Get in touch with the professionals to make it happen!

Structural Flaws

Also, it is possible that the roof’s design was flawed when it was constructed. This could make it more susceptible to sagging over time. It could also be due to the roofing material manufacturers or contractors who installed it. The problem must be addressed immediately, regardless of who caused it. It is important to hire roofing professionals when putting up your roof. This will help prevent future problems. You should verify their qualifications and previous experience. You should also research the material used for roofing construction.

Too much weight

Sagging can be caused by excess weight on the roof. It can be due to excessive roofing material, snow, debris, or roofing system layers that were too thickly applied by contractors. Although this is difficult to spot before it’s too late the damage to your roof’s structural integrity will almost always occur. To avoid this, hire Brandon FL professional roofers.

What You can Do

Your roof may be sagging, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is impossible to fix. It is possible to repair your roofing, but it will depend on how severe the damage has been. To reinforce the rafters, angle braces might be required. Jack posts may also be required to raise the roof in order to begin reinforcement. Your contractor may need to remove excess shingles if the roof is suffering from sagging due to uneven weight distribution.

Contact us

A roof that isn’t properly maintained can cause serious damage. Certified Roofers & General Contractors, Inc. has the experience and professionalism to quickly fix these problems without spending a fortune. We have been providing outstanding customer service since the day we opened our office. Contact or visit our roofing professionals today for more information.

This post was written by a roofing professional at KCG Roofing. https://kcgroofing.com/ is a premier roofing contractor in Florida! KCG Roofing has the experience and expertise to replace or repair your roof with quality materials and excellent craftsmanship. All our roofs are backed by a 15-year leak-free guarantee, the highest in the industry. We have been family-owned and operated for over 40 years.